How To Optimise Your Ecommerce Product Pages For More Sales

Optimising Ecommerce Product Pages To Increase Conversion. 

Across the internet, you find some product pages that are kind of long form pages which means you have to scroll; they have, in my opinion, too much information. And then you have shorter product pages that are straight to the point. So those are the two main types of product pages: the short and the long form. And then there’s a third type of product page for e-commerce that require visits to a brick and mortar location to view the product and complete a purchase.

The goal of that product page is not necessarily to get people to buy all the time; it’s to give people enough information so they can then call the store and ask questions and book to view the products in some cases. So three types of product pages: long product pages, short ones, and ones that nudge people to go to the offline store to complete the purchase.

The Main Challenges of Ecommerce Product Pages

Product pages are a translation of the experience that people have when they go into a physical store. So it’s very difficult to understand what information people want, why they want the information, what type of information will make them buy. So the main challenge of a product page is to translate physical offline experience online. If your product page is able to provide offline experiences through videos, images and augmented reality, then you’ve had good success. And for your product page to be able to do that, you need to look at different elements

Importance of lifestyle images and videos on product pages

Yes, videos increase conversion. Research has shown that videos increase conversion, but you don’t want to have a long-form video on your product page. I’ve worked with brands in the past where the videos don’t have voiceovers, they’re not interactive enough. So what I recommend and what most best-in-class e-commerce brands offer is a voiceover type that communicates the product and shows the value, the benefits, and every information that the customer is looking for. Mind you, the video needs to be short and straight to the point.

Top tips to improve product page conversion

When you’re looking at product page conversions, I recommend reviewing from a funnel perspective, how the traffic comes to those pages. You want to make sure that your page title is optimised for search, it’s optimised with the right keywords. You don’t want to make people start searching for the meaning of your product features, that’s number one. And then above the fold, you need to make sure that you present the product description as easily and clearly as possible.

Does Apple Pay or PayPal influence product page conversion?

Shopify offers and some e-commerce platform content management system platforms offer that opportunity where you can just pay with PayPal and it just gets your details and then lets you check out. But some industries would require your registration before you can go through to the checkout page. So it depends on the e-commerce platforms that you’re working on or the flow of your store.

Feel free to contact me if you need support with increasing website conversion.