Best Ecommerce Homepage Design Examples

Optimising E-commerce Homepage Design

What is the purpose of a homepage and why do the opinions of the most senior people in organisations always determine the homepage design?

The purpose of the homepage is multifaceted. It serves as the entry point to your brand, your e-commerce store, investors, and even offline store visitors. The homepage isn’t solely for the internet; it has various implications. Through my experience redesigning homepages, I’ve observed that it’s highly political because key experts like UX/UI designers and content creators are sometimes left out of the conversation. The homepage requires a collaborative decision-making process involving every skill pertinent to the organisation, ensuring it serves the brand, conversion, and retention effectively.

Types of Ecommerce Homepages Design

E-commerce homepages vary based on factors like the size of the store and whether it has an offline location. Larger brands with both online and offline presence, like Harolds, necessitate a different homepage design compared to smaller e-commerce stores. Each homepage is tailored to accommodate the volume of products and the organisation’s unique characteristics.

How To Optimise Important Elements Your Homepage Design?

The homepage logo, for instance, is crucial. It should not only represent your brand but also communicate your value proposition effectively. Additionally, the placement of the logo matters; it should be prominent, preferably on the top left, ensuring easy visibility and brand recall. The navigation bar should facilitate smooth browsing, especially for larger e-commerce stores. Elements like the hero title, subtitle, call-to-action, and media content (images or videos) should work cohesively, focusing on  promoting the value proposition of your brand and product offering.

How Does Brand Colour Influence Homepage Design?

Brand colours should be chosen wisely, considering not just aesthetics but also an accessibility standpoint. They should enhance user experience and guide users through the homepage journey. It’s crucial to maintain consistency and ensure that colours complement each other, especially for call-to-action buttons and navigation bars.

What should be included in the content below the fold to keep visitors engaged?

Below the fold, popular items, trending products, or limited edition offerings can captivate visitors’ attention. Providing curated content helps users navigate through the plethora of options and encourages them to explore further. By offering relevant and engaging content, we can keep visitors interested and guide them towards conversion.

Ecommerce homepage design process

Designing a homepage should be the culmination of a comprehensive website optimisation process. Instead of starting with the homepage, it’s advisable to begin with navigation, category pages, and other essential elements. By understanding user expectations and optimising each aspect of the website, we can create a cohesive homepage that effectively serves the brand and enhances conversion rates.

If you’re looking to enhance your homepage design to improve conversion rates, feel free to contact me.